Released in 2017
A marvelous collaboration with musical and personal friends.
Over 300 collective years of stage performance and studio experience
Performing for this one and only time on stage.
A fantastic audience of friends, family, and fans.
One great evening together…
Podcasts Audiobook Episodes and Videos
Want to hear the story behind the Creation of the Songs?
The Studio Sessions? The Engineering? The Players? The Special Moments?
Enjoy the Interviews and Songs for these albums - listen to
"The Path Taken" Podcast Audiobook Episodes!
Enjoy Live and Studio Montage Videos of the songs on these albums on
The Tom Farley YouTube Channel...!
​Produced at Farley Music Services, Virginia Beach, VA.
Written, Performed, Produced, Engineered and Mastered by Tom Farley
Copyright 2017 ASCAP
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The High Energy Acoustics Band was a collection of some of the finest musicians in Southeast Virginia. This ensemble performed only once...
at The Steel Pier Cafe in Virginia Beach, VA on September 17, 2016.
The evening included songs from Tom's newly released "By the Fence in the Sun"...with originals and covers from previous albums and arrangements.